Here's the harvest:
Potatoes, Turnips, Celeriac, Chard, Cabbage or Brussel Sprouts, Leeks, Garlic, Winter Squash, Peppers, Radishes, and Lettuce.
In the field this week: Cover cropping, clean-up (disking under old crops, seeding rye/vetch/clovers), pulling tomato stakes, harvesting.
Still don't know what to do with odd roots like celeriac and turnips? We mix them all up together.
Dan likes his mashed but you can roast them or of course these are great veggies for soup, too.
Mark your calendars for Saturday October 14. We're going to have a potluck lunch "feast" to celebrate the fall. (Noon to 3:00) Bring the family and friends who want to know more about the farm. Bring your special dish to share... See you there.
Dan, Tracy & Bea