August 1, 2006
Here comes August and with it lots of heat and the night shades!
I guess it is fitting that we're kicking off the month with possibly record breaking highs because this is the month when we start harvesting all the heat loving crops. This week you'll see the first eggplants and peppers as well as sweet corn and more tomatoes. Later this month you should see some melons, too. It is a great time for making fresh, cooling soups.
Here is a link to some cold soup recipes.
Our garlic is all in the barn. We've got a great crop this year with nice big bulbs. It is all drying now on the barn floor. When the outer skins have toughened up and the stalk dries up we will start to distribute them. They keep better this way and you should be able to easily store what you can't use right away. More on that later.
Check out our celery. We were excited to find some seed for the self-blanching type from Europe. We usually grow the variety "Ventura" which is dark green and quite strong in flavor. Cooks tend to love it. The self-blanching type is lighter green; more like what you find in the super market. Hopefully you'll all get a chance to try both this year. Let us know what you think.
We are happy to have August here as we turn a bit of a corner towards the fall. We do much less seeding and transplanting now and spend a lot of the time harvesting, almost a bit everyday.
This week's share: cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, turnips, celery, cilantro, komatsuna, basil, lettuce, corn
Enjoy and stay cool!
Tracy & Dan